Examination System

Examination System

The exam system is conducted in two phases. An exam is held at the end of each phase.


School Section:

*    Half yearly- January to June

*    Year final—July to December


College Section:

1.       First Year:

*    Half yearly- July to November

*    Year final—December to  April


2.       Second Year:

*    Pre-Test – May to September

*    Test— ---- October to December



Besides, a few more exams for certain marks are held from time to time to assess the

students; some are:


1.      Mid-Term: Mid-Term exam is held on due dates in accordance with the Academic Calendar.


2.      Class Test: Class test is taken on specific date for certain marks as decided from time to time.


3.       Spot Test: Spot test is taken in accordance with class routine for certain marks as decided from time to time. 


4.      Evaluation Test: Many evaluation tests are taken before the primary and junior Scholarship exams, S.S.C and H.S.C exams. 


5.      Model Test: Prior to the Board Exam, Model tests are taken keeping abreast with the question standard of the board exams (PEC, JSC, SSC, and HSC).